Friday 13 February 2009


There are lots of Kubrick fans on my course at least

It's taken me this long to hook up the internet over here so a delayed greeting from Melbourne to you & yours. The air around the northern suburb I'm living in is hazy today from the bush fires that are still burning. It's been a bit like hell on earth in Victoria. I hope the worst bush fire's in the country's history aren't some sort of ill omen for my new life down under. Enough people have died and lost everything already without them adopting some new cryptic resonance. I walked though Federation Square full of stunned onlookers, watching dumbstruck as the fire's aftermath played on the massive screen.  

I've been a bit removed from everything for the past week. It's taken that long to sort out my accommodation and all the paperwork and red tape at VCA.

I'm a lot happier today, typing to you from a blood orange red room, three stories up at Le Student 8. The first room they had me in had walls the colour of a damp sand castle and just about every feature of the room had been broken by the previous occupant. The bugger had daintily arranged things so I thought all was well but that I had the touch of death when I started to move around the room. There was a gargantuan moth flattened in the roller-blind and the TV has probably finally blown up by now.
The back breaking straw of it all was the huge gaggle of Arabic guys running riot on our floor each morning and night. They were all in separate single rooms but spent literally hours knocking on each other's doors in frustratingly irregular rhythms and shouting through the walls with each other. They treated the corridor like an extension of their rooms and to top it all, my door directly faced the room of one of the most vocal of the gang. Numerous aggressive pleas for them to "shut the fuck up" where made by my sleep deprived neighbors, to little effect. Imagining four months of more of the same made me unhinged so I made the case for a move to the reception staff and have been enjoying blissful peace and quite ever since. I left a note under the offenders' doors before I left their floor once and for all that read: "NOISY BASTARDS BEWARE" I have no idea what I thought the message would achieve but it certainly made me feel better.

This week was all about orientation at the film school. Everyone is still a bit wary of each other, polite and cheerful but stilted. I don't think we quite know how to feel about being made to work together so intensely for the next 3 years. The other faculties of VCA return this week so there will be some other faces to alleviate the perceived pressure of it all. My classes are 9.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday, plus whatever shoots/editing sessions we have on the weekend. I said I wanted to get stuck in to a degree...I fear there is no other option with this one!

Happy Valentines, even though today is depressing for 2/3 of people in the world (rough estimate). The only ones who really feel the love today (I'm there already), are the companies selling us eerily perfect roses and novelty shit. Why on earth should there be a day set aside to remind people to express their affections? Here I am thinking romance is all about imagination and spontaneity. I must be old fashioned.

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