Saturday 21 February 2009

Get the cake out before we make out

This week ended with a mini festival fund raiser for a film being made by a friend of one of the kids on my course. I set out with N with nothing more that a memorized Google map. By the time we'd made it across to the right side of town it was about 10.40pm and the final tram stop was awash with tanked up teenagers, gagging to fight/fuck outside a McDonalds. We narrowly avoided a scene of some descrpition by scuttling away into a darkened suburban side street.
After a few blocks that felt increasing isolated from the rest of Melbourne, I began to wonder if we were on the right track at all. Suddenly, we can upon a Russian (maybe) orthodox church, lit up like a beacon for should-be repenters questioning the power of the church. There were a number of balloon animals make from condoms littering our path by this time and a faint syncopated drum machine was pulsing somewhere nearby. We took this as an indication we were getting warmer and followed the contraceptive trail until we met a crowd of bikes and raculas laughter at the mouth of what looked to be a back yard. Posters, wine cups and people in red ring master hats indicated we were in the right place.
Apparently the home of 10 artists, the event was spread oput across a shed, a tent, a yurt, a camp fire and some number of trees by the looks of things at certain points in the evening. I tragically forgot to pack my camera so you'll have to take my word for it when I say the place had an otherworldly electricity.
The main event was an ace music line up including Casionova, (the website explains his shtick), who preformed the best although prehaps only ode to Engelbert Humperdinck, the delectable Pash & our mate's band Suzanne Grae and the Katies, (we luff you Anna!) who peddled fine cartoon sleeze grooves accompanied by cup cake ladies. I will be wearing my band shirt with great affection once I get the wine stains out.

I'm the douche texting on the mobile phone when it pans to the left - rock n' roll!!!!!


I think I have a new favorite restaurant. It stocks hundreds of beers, brings your bill inside children's story books and is decorated in refined folksy style, sort of Paris meets the Enchanted Woods, all murals, patterned fabric and plastic doilies. Most importantly, it serves food that induces a state of grace and copious swoons. If anyone took me on a date there, I'd be highly suggestible...

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