1. James Spader, before the middle aged Boston Legal spread, and maybe afterwards, providing its over the phone.
2. Vincent D'Onofrio, again, before the spread and away from the roles where he fucks with his face, i.e. Men in Black, The Cell, Full Metal Jacket etc .
3. Robert. Always.
4. Richey Edwards. First pin up of my adolescence and though his anorexic self loathing is a bit off putting now, I'm still hard pressed to find anyone who looks better in eyeliner.
5. Micheal Fassbender. Wot a man. Makes creepy step dads sexy in Fish Tank & was the best thing about Inglorious Basterds, (well, after the Nazi dude).
6. Sebastian Koch. Burly & gentle all at once.
7. Matt Dillon. There are few jaws like that anymore.
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