What do you want?

I want to be more than wanted.
I want to I N S P I R E !
(So to hell with chasing tail)
I want to be strong at what I do, respecting my work so other people will respect it too.
Without compromise.
* * * * *
Mundane Update!
1. Still no home to call my own. Did such things ever worry P.J? My head is spinning from the ongoing search.
2. Presenting this tomorrow in class, with a view to blow minds.
3. Joining in for a cross-town scavenger hunt on Easter Sunday, but only after viewing a new print of Robocop or something equally amazing at the Melbourne Comedy Festival.
(...if I had money to burn, I could so a LOT of damage across the bulging cultural calender of this town. I've been tempted left, right and centre by a host of events. Sadly, despite all the variety on offer, I've ended up eating a lot of fries and sauce on street corners of late. I've officially joined the hoards of mangey, indecisive students! Again, Le Student 8 accommodation gets the blame.)
4. Next week I plan to introduce my Aussie chums to Pancake Day,dutifully preforming my service as the novelty pommy bastard in doing so.
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