I was unexpectedly called home a few months back when my mother was diagnosed with cancer again. Thankfully she's on the mend now but as the drama resulted in major surgery, it's that fabled long road to recovery for the foreseeable future. I had no idea how much my mother did to keep the cogs turning until I was landed the job of running the household. Truth be told, I sort of enjoy the challenge so that's not been the issue. The problem is being stationed back in my home town again - an run-down industrial town on the northern coast of England. It's exceptionally bleak and due to my ongoing erratic education and lust for travel I know hardly anyone in the area,( well, with the exception of the workman who come to the house to rip us off and the 60 year olds my Mother played bridge with before she became ill.)
If I had car insurance I'd take to the road just as I'd catch the next train, were there a rail connection running anywhere worthwhile for less than a small fortune. Like it or lump it, this is it for now.
To prevent myself going totally stir-crazy and snapping in the middle of the grocery run to the supermarket, I have decided to use this page as a creative distraction. It might also end up providing a sexy little forum to gather all the impossible threads of my internet pooterling.
So, just about 3 years after the wheels fell off the bandwagon, I'm adopting a "blog." Every man and his cat has one so... chucks away!
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