Sunday, 17 January 2010

New Year

I really hope this year is a good one. Last year was rich but simply flew off the handle in the end.

What's changed in a year? Who am I at 23?

I no longer smoke & now enjoy exercise to the point of passion. Despite this, I'm still a hipster, apparently. My hair is red and short and my makeup bold, despite what boys tell me they like. I've realised how important family is and understand a few more of my hangups, (they dissolve after that, right?) I no longer draw, which is sort of sad, but have growing confidence in my writing, despite not knowing what to say most of the time. I finally read novels.

To avoid ingratitude, 2009 positives that should be noted before moving forward:
  • Made and was part of an staggeringly diverse range of films.
  • Ate some of the best food since Italy.
  • Saw some pretty amazing gigs & went behind the scenes at the MIFF.
  • Fell in love and was loved back, for a time.
  • Saw free movies and ate free food because of friendship.
All the negatives can be incinerated to make room for more of the above in my life.
This year will be better beucase it can be.